May 7, 2019

Registration and Authorization Quality Quick HIT

Matt Perron

In our March Newsletter, the Wilshire Group introduced Quick HIT– short term, focused projects designed to maximize your ROI. We are happy to announce our first patient access focused project, Registration and Authorization Quality!

Our clients are already seeing the results – We worked with one client to reduce their registration CFB by over $15 million in 6 months. We not only achieved short-term goals but also developed a long-term process improvement team for sustained success.

We helped them get a handle on their claim edit, account, and patient workqueues while also giving their leaders the tools to monitor workqueues and staff productivity. Registration CFB went from being a top issue and a source of constant concern to a process-improvement example the rest of the revenue cycle could learn from. Check out some of the highlights below:

Registration and Authorization Quality

The full document can be found here.

The Wilshire Group has unique experience with Registration and Authorization Quality process improvement. We specialize in identifying automated and efficient solutions to your complex registration processes. If you want to learn more about any of the above, please reach out to Matt Perron and Freeman Jenkins.

Matt Perron

Manager, Patient Access

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